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How to Maintain Your Garage Door

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Access Garage Doors

How to Maintain Your Garage Door

You’ll likely open and close your garage door multiple times a day without really thinking too much about it. However, with such repeated use, it’s only natural that your garage door will experience wear over time.

To avoid compromising the security of your property, it’s essential that your garage door is always in the best possible condition. One way to achieve this is through regular maintenance work, particularly during the colder months when weather-related issues can be prevalent. But how do you maintain your garage door?

Luckily, the team at Access Garage Doors is here to help with these handy tips.


Tighten any loose hardware

Over time, the nuts and bolts that secure your garage door can loosen. To prevent your garage door from becoming damaged or misaligned, it’s important to regularly inspect these components and tighten up any loose screws that you find.

Lubricate all moving parts

Your garage door is comprised of multiple moving parts, including springs, rollers and hinges. Every time your garage door is in use, these components grind against each other, which can cause corrosion and damage. By lubricating these parts, you can reduce friction and enable smooth movement.

Unusual noises, such as squeaking or grinding sounds, are normally telltale signs that your garage door requires lubrication. When lubricating your garage door, it’s generally recommended that you use a silicone-based lubricant, as this offers temperature and moisture resistance, but always check with a garage door professional if you’re unsure.

Test the garage door balance

If your garage door is unbalanced, not only can this be inconvenient and dangerous, but it also reduces the lifespan of your door by placing excessive stress on its opening mechanism. 

To ensure all parts of your garage door wear equally, it’s important to regularly check its balance. This can be done by disengaging the garage door from the opener and manually lifting it halfway – if it stays in place on its own then the door is correctly balanced. However, should it move up or down by more than a foot, this indicates that the garage door is improperly balanced and the springs need to be adjusted. To ensure safety, it’s best if this work is carried out by a trusted professional, like Access Garage Doors.

Repainting or restaining

You might think that the appearance of your garage door has little impact on its functionality; however, if the exterior of your garage door is worn or damaged, it may be more vulnerable to weather damage.

A new coat of paint or wood stain can improve the durability of your garage door and provide a protective barrier against the elements. If you have a wooden garage door, it’s also important to restain it to minimise the risk of rot.

You can check out our previous article on how to paint a steel garage door here.

Schedule annual inspections

Although every homeowner should periodically give their garage door a quick once-over for any signs of damage, it’s advised to schedule an annual service with an expert, like the team at Access Garage Doors. A garage door professional can identify minor problems that the untrained eye may not spot, allowing any issues to be repaired at the earliest possible stage before they have a chance to develop.

Why is garage door maintenance important during winter?

Although garage door maintenance is vital all year round, it’s especially important during the winter months. From freezing temperatures that cause some garage door components to contract to excessive moisture that leads to rust, adverse weather conditions can negatively impact the condition of your garage door. Regular garage door maintenance proactively addresses any concerns and ensures your garage door is in the best possible shape to face poor weather conditions.


Are you looking for help maintaining your garage door in the West Yorkshire region – including Harrogate, Leeds and Skipton? Get in touch with the friendly team at Access Garage Doors today.

We offer a comprehensive range of garage door maintenance and repair services that are sure to keep your garage door in flawless condition all year round, no matter the style.

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